Chocolate con Clavo y Canela CoronaSKU: COR03CAC0315 C$5.19 Regular PriceC$4.15Sale PriceChocolate with Cloves and Cinnamon CoronaChocolat aux clous de girofle et cannelle Corona Chocolate de MesaPorciones IndividualesPortions individuellesIndividual servings 500 g 17.6 ozQuantityAdd to Cart
Chocolate con Clavo y Canela CoronaSKU: COR03CAC0315 C$5.19 Regular PriceC$4.15Sale PriceChocolate with Cloves and Cinnamon CoronaChocolat aux clous de girofle et cannelle Corona Chocolate de MesaPorciones IndividualesPortions individuellesIndividual servings 500 g 17.6 ozQuantityAdd to Cart